The Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Dr. Mohamad Zolfigol appointed Dr. Ghasem Moslehi as the president of Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT). The newly appointed President has always played an active and effective role in the Science and Technology Ecosystem, STPs and the national areas of innovation. He was the president of ISTT some 12 years ago when ISTT witnessed tremendous developments and infrastructural growth at that time.
In his appointment decree, Dr Zolfigol stated “With regard to your brilliant experiences in the field of innovation and technology development and thanks to your successful experience in managing ISTT in the years ago, you will be appointed as the President of ISTT; and I expect you to make any effort to keep ISTT as the pioneering science town in the national and international communities and continue ISTT activities seamlessly. I hope that with your dedication and expertise and in close collaboration with the strong and competent team at ISTT you will be able to further support the needs of the start-up innovation based community and develop them in domestic and international frontiers.”
With about 3 decades of successful cooperation with the biggest universities and industries of its region and beyond, an influential and effective managerial team that has fostered many SMEs and start-ups to maturity, and maintained close relations with the country's knowledge-based economic pioneers and experts, ISTT has played a noteworthy and prominent role in the development of the entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem of Iran. ISTT is an excellent example for the social and economic effectiveness of science and technology parks.”
Dr. Moslehi is a full professor and a faculty member of Industrial Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). He has PhD. In Industrial Engineering and was the recipient of Iran’s Best University Professor Award in the country.
Dr. Moslehi was previously in office for 6 years as the president of ISTT.
visit count : 718 Date: Aug. 17, 2022
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